Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Friday, 9 May 2008
Is our history of technology design having an adverse effect on its future? Is our rate of progress being slowed by our dependency on tradition and convention?
I originally got the interest in the changing of designs from the 20th century to the present day, I am interested in design after the second world war and during the cold war, how was development of technology politically motivated? This goes way back to January when I went to the V & A Museum. I also found the rise of the 1990's interesting, the way in which products were designed were also effected by huge advances in technology. Also the huge communicative power in design was recognised from anti-consumerism, AIDS and environmental activists.
I have researched old quotes and footage from the 1950's to see what predications were made back then and too see how far we have come with those in the 21st century:
I wanted to look at why these things like some shown in this clip have not come about yet, have countries such as Japan who are the lead in future design had to stop designing due to not enough sales. I was interested in the development of technology such as telephones, home computer and television from the early days to now.
The difference in the design process, for example the discovery of streamlining which is significant to the shell and style of today's technology. Why designers design the way they do today, the problems they face such as products that don't work as mentioned in Don Norman's Book - the Design of Everyday Things. Also John Heskett's book - Industrial Design took a look at why designs were made and how this applies to today. John Maeda - Laws of Simplicity and Product Design by Graeme Vickers helped me understand how important it is to sell a product if it is kept simple. I was interested to research the marketing and advertisement changes from the past such as computer games.
The final part of the essay, I researched robots and how technology today communicates with us, do we feel comfortable with that. Technology today is starting to develop personalities such as AIBO, ASIMO, Roomba as well as NeCoRo and Actroids:
Monday, 10 March 2008
John Rimmer
Talked and showed us alot of badly designed objects/machines that were quite funny. Definitely will be looking more at his stuff for my dissertation.
Friday, 7 March 2008
Saraphina Anderson
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Character Ideas

I got inspiration off drawings on the internet and cartoons such as Grumpy and Donald. I Like Hitchcock's face it looks super grumpy and his face shape is right. I have this image in my head of the old typical looking grump. I suppose that would come from Scrooge.

I've discovered a great website for sound
This site was where I got my clock tic sound and rain and slurp, in fact all of my sounds. It's a great website but you can't register with a hotmail account.
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Character Ideas

Monday, 18 February 2008
D & AD
My mind is going more and more towards the animation brief though. It is for a character animation of your choice of not more that 20 to 60 seconds. It explains that you should concentrate on animating it's personality as opposed to just focusing on the look of the character. It can be based on yourself or someone you know or simply fictional. I did a few mind bubbles and came up with various characters I have met over the years. Thinking of people I work with past and present. What traits do they possess, what annoys me about them or what do I like about them. Thinking of all these things I came up with an idea of a grumpy bloke. There was once a pub I worked in, I only lasted one night mainly because of the man who ran the place. He was obnoxious, rude and very loud when talking to his staff, to the customers it was a different matter. I have been back since and being a customer ( he doesn't recognise me anymore), it was a totally different story, I saw a totally different side to him, noticed how much the pub meant to him, it was his life and he put all his energy into that, quite humbling.
I'd like to maybe bring two sides of a character out. One side to be grumpy, fed up with his job, getting old and a more day dreamer side. I spoke with Linzi who came second in the D & AD awards last year. I showed her three storyboard ideas one based on the evolution of dance (above). Really like this clip very funny. I was thinking of animating my own character to different music. The other clip was based on a idea whilst I was out in a bar a few weeks ago, the camera basically acts as the character's eye and the only time you see the character is when she looks in a mirror or through a reflection in the window, problem with this was it didn't fully answer the brief. My final idea was the landlord slob and he smokes, drinks, fed up but wishes he had done something else with his life.